Saturday 2 July 2011

Step By Step Foam Latex Prosthetics. Nose.

For this project I wanted to extend the nose. To do this I first had to take a cast of my models face. My model was quite claustrophobic and felt worried about having her face encased in alginate and plaster. So we compromised and only cast her face from just under the nose up to the eyes so that her mouth was free to breathe normally. I first covered any hairs on the face with nivea moisturiser so that no hair would be trapped in the alginate. I also blocked the nostrils with cotton wool. I then covered the face with alginate, then once it had set I covered the area with strips of modroc to reinforce the cast...

Once it had set, I carefully removed the alginate cast from the face and filled it with plaster and waited for it to set...

Once my cast was ready, I sculpted my nose design onto it in clay and drilled holes into the plaster to make keys...

I then made a clay wall around the nose and keys. around the nose I cut the clay wall at a 45 degree angle to create a cutting edge. Then with any of the white plaster showing I covered in a clay wash to stop the plaster from attaching...

Then it is ready to be covered in plaster and make a mould. As the plaster finally set, I pulled the mould apart and cleaned away the clay leaving two parts of the mould ready for foaming...
I then mixed up a batch of Foam Latex and filled my mould, leaving it in an industrial oven to bake. Once it was ready I cleaned the Foam Latex piece and left it to dry...
Before applying the piece I had to carefully tear the nose away from the outside area and discard it. To apply the piece I used Prostick to glue it to the face, and a mixture of Prostick and Cabosil to blend the edges into the skin...

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