Monday 4 July 2011

Latex Bald Cap.

I wanted to experiment and see if I could make a bald cap by layering Liquid Latex. I made it in the same way I made the Cap Plastic one, I drew the models hair line on the block adding an extra couple of centimetres. I didn't pre paint with Illustrator because the Liquid Latex was already a flesh colour. Also, when it came to applying the Bald Cap, I realised that the edges wouldn't melt using Acetone so i had to stipple on more Liquid Latex to hide them into the skin.
Here are pictures of the process...

I ended up using this method when helping out on a student film. My friend needed help so I went to help at the last minute. It was a short film about raising awareness of anorexia. The story was about a girl suffering from anorexia and has various dreams about her deteriorating body. The scene which I helped work on was where she is looking at herself in a mirror, looking thin and balding from tearing out her hair. She also begins to pull off her skin from her face and hands. I used the latex Bald Cap and blended it into the skin using more Liquid Latex as it peels away from the skin. We used a few layers on her face and hands. To achieve the effect of going bald, we glued hair onto the bald cap using Spirit Gum.
We were called in fairly last minute to help out wiht the film. Had we have been given more time, I would have knotted patches to make the effect of thinning hair. However, the spirit gum worked becuase it allowed the actress to pull the hair out from the head.
Here are some of the photographs taken...

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